CJRS Furlough Friday 13th changes re December 2020?
The Government CJRS Scheme – Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Guidance has just been updated with an December, 2020 amendments important for employers to note. What are they?
CJRS Friday 13th amendments – what’s new? Is it frightnight for employers?
With reference to claim periods commencing on, or after 1 December 2020, an employer cannot claim for any days during this period if the employee was serving a contractual, or statutory notice period for the employer (this includes people serving notice of retirement or resignation).
Government guidance links are here and here.
Prior to 1 December 2020, there are provisions facilitating claims may be made if the employee is serving statutory notice only. Please note, there is no Government guidance in relation to contractual notice.
Please note, that this CJRS Government Grant has had several amendments, therefore it is subject to change. Experts, ELHR Ltd. are happy to assist should you require further clarity and assistance. Please call us now on 01788 432077 for an initial free consultation.

Mental Wellness, Physical Health, & complying with Government Restrictions
To be COVID-19 safe, you need to follow government guidelines and restrictions to make working at home, or physically at work if feasible re Health and Safety to be safe.
Employers need to consider the management of employees emotional wellbeing in line with these changes. Fatigue from living within strict cleanliness routines and anxiety, some in relation to money worries if furloughed/ flexible furloughed, isolation and concerns regarding the new world coping with the unprecedented pandemic are very real threats to your company through the reduction of motivation and efficiency.
Using the flexible approaches of ELHR to listen, keeping employers regularly updated re compliance and understand the perspectives of your employees, will enable your team to improve productivity and allow your company to have the best possible chance of surviving financially.
What can you do to prepare?
Remember that it is important that you take the time to evaluate your duty of care as employers in relation to health & safety, mental, wellbeing and physical health of your staff working from home, or at work.
Risk assessments, taking guidance at difficult times to ensure employee rights & Government guidance in relation to Furloughing are paramount for compliance so you don’t fall foul of HMRC.
ELHR Ltd. are here to help and can assist in pointing you in the right direction.
How can we help?
From employment contracts that provide flexibility during uncertain times, advising on continuous employment law legislative changes, restrictive covenants protecting your business, to onboarding and performance management practices, our goal is to create an atmosphere that enables successful recruitment and retention of staff due to high morale and wellbeing, building on the lessons learned through 2020.
Our bespoke Human Resources Consultancy is not formulated as a package. We listen, understand and use our expertise to create a pathway for the companies we are proud to work with.

At ELHR, we work with you to create a culture that limits the risk of litigation through staff engagement surveys, change management during uncertain times, and succession planning. Looking to prepare for problems in order to avoid running into them.
Whether you need support in relation to Government restrictions, grants like CJRS, flexible furloughing, etc. we’re here to help.
We can provide you with a continual advice on retainer, or set time frames re projects, we have the skills and capacity to make a real difference in providing flexibility, protection and added value during this unprecedented journey.
Contact us via our online form, or give us a call for your initial free consultation and we can discuss your specific issues you’re facing as an employee, or employer.