Important CJRS Furlough Claims Time Limits & The Coronavirus Act 2020
Important CJRS Furlough Claims Time Limits & The Coronavirus Act 2020 What are the key Government CJRS changes to note? Back to BlogRead More What are the important CJRS Furlough Claims deadlines you can’t afford to miss? What does the ‘The...
Friday 13th CJRS Furlough Govt. changes re December 2020 – frightnight?
CJRS Furlough Friday 13th changes re December 2020? The Government CJRS Scheme – Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Guidance has just been updated with an December, 2020 amendments important for employers to note. What are they? Back to BlogRead...
CJRS Grant extended – what are the new furlough & flexible furlough rates during UK Lockdown?
CJRS Grant Extended - what are the new Furloughing and Flexible Furlough rates? The Government has extended the CJRS – Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme from 1 November, 2020 to end of March 2021. The JSS – Job Support Scheme is currently on hold....